A Swimmer’s Delight

I stand quietly, watching
the waves wash over my feet.
I have been away from
my friend, the ocean,
for far too long.
Yet at first sight,
I am united once again
with her glorious being.
I begin swimming.
The wondrous, magical water
flows into and around
each cell, nourishing and
nurturing my body and soul.
The oceans embrace is
soothing and revitalizing.
I am at home in welcoming arms.
My movement across the surface
is like a cloud passing over a landscape.
I gaze below. Dolphins are playing - flying through
the water like jets then arcing upward
in a dance around me!
Schools of yellow and black-stripped
fish move in and out around
lemon gold mounds of coral.A large shoal of hand-sized
silver fish have appeared.
They are making u -turns
in mesmerizing flow.
The immensity is breath taking.
I tread water to stay with them
for as long as I can.
While I swim, the ocean
sways under me on a
course of its own.
Always, I need more time here.
A lifetime of times.
Winds carry oceans message
around the world, ocean to ocean.
"Love me. Protect me. Join me."
Her seamless beauty is reflected
in the heavens, and fills our hearts
with eternity.

Cotah Lyn Rose


Hold On Corals

